Tuesday, July 6, 2010

[Replicable Practices] Choices Into Action

I recently discovered the Choices into Action: Guidance and Career Education Program Policy, 1999 (PDF) via the Ontario Ministry of Education site. It is a document that can be found under the Administrators Policy and Reference page. The reason why I chose to blog about this as a Replicable Practice is because guidance is no longer an area that specifically contained with the guidance offices of a school or the guidance counselor. It needs to be addressed by the classroom teacher as well. Just think what the ultimate goal is that we have as teachers for our students. Taken directly out of the document:

Choices Into Action describes the purpose and importance of Ontario’s guidance and career education program, its content, and its unique approach to teaching and learning. It describes the approaches that principals and teachers are expected to take when teaching students how to develop their learning skills, interpersonal skills, and knowledge and skills in the area of career planning. It also outlines program planning strategies, accountability measures, and the roles and responsibilities of all involved – principals, teachers, students, parents, and community partners.
Choices into Action: Guidance and Career Education Program Policy, 1999

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